- Этот Калькулятор был разработан, чтобы помочь вам сделать дополнения, вычитания, умножения и деления часов и минут легко и быстро, не вдаваясь в сложные преобразования.
- Без рекламы
Our calculator is designed to help you add and subtract hours and minutes rapidly and without going into complicated conversions.
Handy and user friendly, you will be able to see your calculations as you write them down and thus not loosing the thread during long additions.
The App keeps all your calculations in memory after closing it.
You can calculate up to hundreds of thousands of hours.
You can easily convert hours in decimal for instance 2h30 = 2,5
With this Premium version you will also be able to divide and multiply your hours and minutes.
The Premium version doesn’t have any adds.